Law Enforcement Officer Reimbursement Agreement Program

The Law Enforcement Officer Reimbursement Agreement Program: What You Need to Know

Few professions are as demanding and essential as that of law enforcement officers. These brave men and women put their lives on the line to serve and protect their communities day in and day out. However, the work they do can be physically and emotionally taxing, making it necessary for them to take time off for self-care, medical leave, or other reasons. That`s where the Law Enforcement Officer Reimbursement Agreement Program comes in.

What is the Law Enforcement Officer Reimbursement Agreement Program?

The Law Enforcement Officer Reimbursement Agreement Program (LERA) is designed to help law enforcement officers continue to serve their communities effectively by providing them with financial assistance during periods of time when they need to take time off. LERA is a voluntary program that provides participating law enforcement officers with partial reimbursement for lost wages during periods of non-occupational disability.

Who is Eligible for LERA?

To be eligible for LERA, law enforcement officers must be employed full-time by a participating agency that has established a LERA program. Generally, these agencies include municipal, county, and state law enforcement organizations. Officers must also be members of the agency`s collective bargaining unit, if one exists.

What Does LERA Cover?

LERA provides participating law enforcement officers with partial reimbursement for lost wages during periods of non-occupational disability. This means that officers who are unable to work due to a non-work-related injury or illness can apply for reimbursement to help cover their lost wages. LERA typically covers up to 50% of the officer`s lost wages during the period of disability, up to a maximum of 180 calendar days per disability.

How Does LERA Work?

When a law enforcement officer needs to take time off due to a non-occupational disability, they must first exhaust their sick leave and any other available paid leave. After that, they can apply for LERA reimbursement through their agency`s human resources department. The officer`s application must be supported by medical documentation demonstrating that they are unable to work due to their disability.

If an officer`s application is approved, they will receive partial reimbursement for their lost wages during the period of disability. This reimbursement is typically provided on a bi-weekly basis, and is subject to taxes and other deductions.

Final Thoughts

The Law Enforcement Officer Reimbursement Agreement Program is a valuable resource for law enforcement officers who need to take time off due to non-occupational disabilities. By providing partial reimbursement for lost wages, LERA helps officers continue to serve their communities effectively, even during challenging times. If you`re a law enforcement officer who needs to take time off due to a non-occupational disability, consider asking your agency about their LERA program.