“Having worked with Sage Building Envelope Contractors on a number of large Design and Build projects and tenders where their package has included all of the roofing and cladding elements I have found them to be very knowledgeable, helpful and capable in all of the construction phases from tender, value engineering, detailed design, construction on site, variations and Final Account.

Bid information is generally detailed, easily analyzed and further information is provided when requested.
Knowledge of Building Envelope products is good and Value Engineered alternatives are often offered.

Their in house detailed design capability is excellent and they will work collaboratively with the Main Contractors Design Managers and other members of the Design Team.

Construction works on site are performed professionally, safely and to an agreed sequence and programme, with good communication being maintained throughout.

They are helpful and willing to deal with any variations or aftercare issues that quite often arise on large projects.
They are one of our CAT 1 subcontractors and have successfully carried out other projects for BAM and contribute to our tendering process.”

Andy Knott
Senior Project Surveyor

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